Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chapter 10

Chapter 10


“Just another Obstacle”

November-December 2012


After parading around Franklin Street, time seemed to flyby. I was already used to time flying by in high school, but I don't believe time had ever moved this fast in my entire life. Before I knew it I was sitting at home enjoying that much awaited thanksgiving meal with my wonderful family. As you may have guessed, the meal not only made me gain a few pounds but also allowed me to catch up with family members I hadn’t seen since school started. Anytime you get to spend time with your family is a blessing, and I always cherish those moments. During the break I was able to discuss my book with my mother and she informed me that I need to talk or give advice about becoming homesick. I had never really felt homesick in my three months on campus, so I thought it would be a difficult topic to write about. However, the dreaded disease of homesickness entered Joyner 115 after my parents dropped me off after break.

In my opinion, Fall Break and Thanksgiving Break was a great time to spend quality time with my family and friends. Even though the breaks gave me an opportunity to spend time with the people I love, which included my new nephew; the breaks made me extremely lazy. The reason they made me lazy because while at home I didn’t do any school work, and I was able to do what I pleased. When I returned from Thanksgiving Break I was coming off of a week of home cooked meals, no homework, and living in a room by myself. I figured that the final two weeks of the semester wouldn’t be too bad, all I needed to do was knock out four exams, and I would be on my way back home.

After my parents and I ate lunch, unloaded my clothes, and decorated my room for the Christmas holidays it was time for them to leave me again. Since I was already used to leaving them and hadn’t really felt homesick yet, I didn’t think much about it. As I made it back to my room I began to work on some work that I had procrastinated over break. I am usually not a procrastinator, but there are a few things above school work on my priority list (family, friends, and food).  When I began to read a paper on China in Africa, I was easily distracted to the things I did on break. The only thing I wanted to do was call my parents to come get me, or they if they didn’t answer, I was contemplating if I could run that far. Of course, I did none of the above, but I really wish that I could have gone home for just a few more hours. I really don’t know if I was just acting lazy, or if I really missed home that badly. It was definitely a feeling that I had never experienced before. So my advice to the people that think they will not be “homesick” at all, you are in for a very rude awakening. I have only gone home twice in three months, and up until Thanksgiving Break I had never felt any kind of homesickness. I thought that I was immune to feeling homesickness, but I guess that everyone has that “momma’s boy” in them.

Every college student learns to deal with homesickness in a different way, but I wish I was given at least some suggestions before experiencing it. If you are like me, college is the first time that you have actually lived by yourself. Sometimes the experience can get very lonely, and it can give you thoughts of giving up. I have never been one of giving up, but there have actually been times where I have considered giving up. However, as the thoughts crossed my mind I saw the goals listed on my wall (goals are so important). Then I realized how blessed I was to be at such a great university, and there are people who would do anything to be in my shoes. So, never forget you are blessed to be where you are, for some reason or another you were meant to be there. As Jimmy Valvano once stated, “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.” Secondly, I would like to share a bit of advice that my dad gave me before I left for college. He said, “Austin, college is going to be hard, if it was easy everyone would do it.” I took that advice to heart. It gives me motivation on a daily basis because it encourages me to do my best even when the subjects or situations become difficult. His advice not only pertains to school work, but the entire college experience can feel overwhelming and difficult at times. When I was feeling homesick after Thanksgiving, I kept repeating his advice in my head. The more I thought about it, the more I began to smile because I should not be dwelling about going home; I should be working hard because that is how I will become successful. Again, it comes back to having goals. If you can place your goals in front of you, nothing but yourself stands in the way of achieving those goals. Finally I would like to inform you that your parents are always just a phone call away. I am almost certain that if you call your parents they would love to talk to you and cure you of your homesickness.

If you have fears of becoming homesick while in college I would just like you to know that my spells have never lasted longer than a day. College offers so many opportunities to keep your mind off of your home. Sometimes you will even forget about home because you will get so engaged with the college environment. I hope you realize that it is perfectly normal to become homesick, and unless you had a terrible childhood, you will experience homesickness in college. In order to become successful you must stick it out, and giving up should never be an option. If you feel a little discouraged just remember the advice my father gave me. “If it were easy, everyone would do it.”




Monday, November 12, 2012

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The Tradition:

“Halloween on Franklin”

October 31, 2012


In most colleges the time between Fall Break and Thanksgiving Break is the time for midterms. Since I am a freshman I really didn’t understand the concept because in high school we never had an actual midterm, or in general terms, a test that counts for about 30 percent of your final grade. Tests in my high school were usually given by the plenty, and performing badly on one exam/test really didn’t set you back or determine your grade in that class. Even though some college classes have more than a couple of grades, it is more often than not that your grade will consist of three or four main exams.

Even though college will present you with times that will take your stress level to its max, it will also give you things to do that actually help levitate stress. One of the biggest traditions at UNC is Halloween on Franklin St.  Franklin St. is the center of social life on the campus of UNC-CH. It is where people from all across the area come in their costumes and walk up and down the historic Franklin St. Every year about 30,000 people attend the event, and it is the biggest event on Franklin, unless of course, the basketball team wins a National Championship. In which, I hope they do at least once in my four years because that would make one heck of a chapter.

While I was studying for all of my midterms, I knew I also had to think of a costume. I wanted to be original so  people would laugh, notice, or even take a picture with me. I also thought it would be cool to go with someone. So, I ended up letting my friend pick her costume first, and I would build off that. During Fall Break she informed me that she was going to be Peter Pan, and I could either be Captain Hook or Tinkerbelle. In order to stand out on Franklin St, you can probably guess which character I chose. Tinkerbelle. Austin Helms was going to be Tinkerbelle. I just want it to sink it in for a minute.

Since I live by the motto “Go Big” I wanted the costume to look ridiculous and legitimate all at the same time. Since I was at home when I decided to become the wonderful character Tinkerbelle; I had plenty of time to collect all of the pieces of my costume. If you haven’t figured it out by now, the best place to get Halloween costumes or parts is from a local thrift store. I found a perfect green V-neck in the Valdese Thrift Shop. The lady at the counter gave me an odd look as I purchased a woman’s shirt, but I didn’t care, I knew more looks were coming. My mom helped me create this outrageous costume, which I also found odd, but you can’t blame her, she loves her son. She made me a homemade tutu, and let me use some of the wings from her classroom. (By the way my mom is a teacher; she’s pretty good at thisJ)

Finally it was time for me to spread my wings and fly down to Franklin Street. I slipped on the tights, the sweet white booty shorts, the sparkly tutu, and grabbed my wand, and was ready to rock! I’ll keep this story short and tell you that I was laughed at, pointed at, and most of all I was told that I actually looked like a girl. I didn’t know how to take that comment, but I guess I reached the goal of a legitimate costume.

Since I was dressed up like a girl I didn’t mind doing obnoxious things. For instance, my Peter Pan kept wondering away from me, and it just seemed weird walking around dressed up as Tinkerbelle without Peter. I probably yelled, “PETER!!” 100 times that night. When Peter wasn’t with me I was accompanied by a large group of Minions, whom kept me very warm. It was so cold that night, and I had barely any clothes on which didn’t help my cause. I really don’t know how I would have survived without them!

I’ll be the first to tell you that a man dressed as a Tinkerbelle that is walking around with a bunch of Minions, captures a ton of attention. Click, Flash, Cheese!! Pictures were taken left and right, from big people, small people, and people that creped me out. I definitely don’t want to become a celebrity.

As the cameras began to dwindle away the night had just begun. It was now time to go to Ms. D’s for the dance party!

Every college student needs to realize that there is a time to study and work hard, but there is also time to have a great time. However it all depends on your definition of having a great time. My opinion of having a great time is hanging out with friends, sharing stories, and in certain situations, getting my dance on. Even though you might be thinking that “having fun” means drinking; I would strongly disagree. Since I have grown up in a family that alcohol was never a staple, I have learned that it is best to stay away from the temptation. When I was packing my bags to start this adventure called college I thought that was all college was about. However, I have soon learned that it all depends on who, and what you choose to do. It all comes down to choice. Yes, I have been to one fraternity party, and quickly learned that it was not the place for me. (Mom if you’re reading, I stood there and made fun of the drunk people, you know me). My advice would be is to try to not depend on alcohol for “having fun.” My reasoning behind not partaking in the drinking scene is because I believe that it offers you no, absolutely no incentives. What happens if you get a ticket? There goes your chance of getting in to the Business School? I also believe that if you have to have alcohol to have fun, there is something wrong. I am not judging anyone; I am just stating my opinion and I believe that fun is not found in a bottle, but through friends. I hope this actually makes you consider being abstinent from drinking while in college. It will really open your eyes to so many more things. Well enough of this, I need to talk about the D’s.

The D’s dance party is a “dry” party that is held every month. A “dry” party just means no alcohol. This month was extra special because it was Halloween, and everyone showed up in their costumes. The D’s is just a house that a bunch of UNC seniors live in, and they always move their furniture outside for the dances so people can dance in their living room. Let me tell you though, this house is not very large. The living room is probably meant to fit 20 people. On Halloween there were probably 75 people crammed into that little living room. Everyone was going crazy and jumping up and down as the music blared through the speakers. It was really difficult for me to maneuver through the cramped living room because my wings kept getting tangled up with people. When I finally made it to the center, I lifted my wand and turned the little blinkers on, it was if I was carrying the Olympic torch. Yet again, I think I was the highlight of the D’s as my wand lit up the room.

My first Halloween on Franklin was a huge success. It allowed was a huge stress reliever from all of the midterms. By making a fool of myself I not only did things that I would have never dreamed of, but boosted my morale on campus. I was now the guy that was Tinkerbelle! I guess that’s cool…… but it’ll do for now.

Even though I am not an expert on taking tests, I would like to give you a little bit of advice on how to study. If you don’t know it by now, college takes work. The week before my AFRI 101 exam my professor informed the class that in order to be successful in her class you must spend 15 hours studying. The thought of studying for 15 hours might sound a little harsh, well a lot, but it’s not that bad, trust me. My best advice for studying is to study early. If you start studying a week before you will stress less, and the material will be easier to translate to that exam.  I would like to let you know that I made a 90 on my AFRI exam, with the high grade being a 93. Studying really does payoff, and that makes those fun times even sweeter!




Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chapter 8


“Absolute Insanity”

October 27, 2012

One energy shot, five hours of sleep, Carolina blue paint, and beating that red team down the road, were some of the things that were involved in a Saturday that I will never forget.

When I arrived on campus here at Chapel Hill I had a few things that were circled on my calendar. One of which was the NC State game. The reason I had it marked was because it was probably the biggest game we would have all year, and if we won I would have some junk to talk to my friends. It was also a big game on campus because NC State had beaten us the last five years.

As soon as my alarm sounded on Saturday morning I felt an adrenaline rush, or it could have been from the energy shot I quickly downed. I am usually not a person that doesn’t need extra energy, however; the lack of sleep from the night before had drained me from all of my excess energy. I got up so early because the group I was “painting up” likes to be the first ones in the gate. If you ever get the chance to paint your body, do it! The paint may be cold when it hits your skin, but it’s something that every college student should have on their bucket list.

Our group decided to spell out “REDEMPTION” since we were still looking for our first win in 5 years. We arrived at the student gate at Kenan Memorial Stadium at 9:30. Did I mention that the game didn’t start until 12:30? I guess you can call it crazy, but we call it True Blue. Literally, we are True Blue.

The wait wasn’t as bad as it sounds because people began to file behind us, and every now and then someone would start a chant. Tar…. Heels! I was so ready for this game; I think I felt like I was actually playing.

At 11:00 the security guards swung the doors open, and in we fled. I was in the front of the pack, and was instructed by our leader to get to the “spot.” According to the girl that organizes it all, they always go to the same spot, and it is usually the spot that the T.V. crews target. After we all claimed the “spot” it was time to wait yet again. I think we actually waited more at the stadium than we did watching, but it was definitely worth it!

As the fans began to fill the stadium the adrenaline was continuing to pump through my veins. If you have ever been to a Carolina football game it usually doesn’t have as much excitement as a big time football school. However, since we were playing our in state rivals, it was a different story.

Ok, well I think you get the picture. It’s time to talk about the game. As soon as the first kick off was in flight, the stadium started rocking. We actually started off with two very impressive drives, making the score 15-0.  The Tar Pit, which is the name of the student section, loved every minute of it. We were yelling, chanting, and dancing every time UNC trotted into the end zone. I received a text from numerous people, and they told me to smile because I was on T.V. I guess we really were in the T.V. spot.

Even though we had a great start to the game, NC State came roaring back. They actually took a lead of 28-25 at halftime. Their quarterback threw at 4 touchdown passes that were uncontested. I kept telling one of the guys that were beside me, “in order for us to win the game, we have to outscore them.” I’m usually an optimist when it comes to my sports teams, but we just have a terrible defensive secondary. I had faith though, and I knew that are offense could come through.

At halftime I got to meet up with a friend that goes to NC State. I hadn’t seen her in forever, and it was good to talk to her for a bit. As I was about to head back to the “spot” I invited her over to the real student section (how I prefaced it). I figured she would say no, but she decided to head on over. I guess it was her fault, but she asked for it (don’t worry, I’ll explain).

The third quarter was long, and in a lot of ways very boring. There was only one touchdown scored, and it was by NC State, and I heard all about it from my friend. Then I informed her that she was surrounded by Carolina fans, and cheering for them boldly might get her thrown out. The cheers didn’t last much longer because fourth quarter was ours. Or should I say it was Giovani Bernard’s.

As I predicted the offense of UNC came storming back, and with about two minutes left on the clock they punched in a field goal to tie the game. The score now was deadlocked at 35-35. NC State received the ball and was quickly taken down. After a sack, and three unsuccessful plays, it was time for them to punt. Looking back on the whole situation, it would have probably been best if they would have just went for it.

Giovani Bernard was back deep for my Heels, and he was more than ready for this moment. The moment that would put him into the Heisman talk, the ESPN Top 10, and the moment that would give UNC their first win over NC State in 5 years.

He caught the ball, and the rest is history. Bernard jolted down the field, found a gap, and went alllllll theeeee wayyyyy!! Bernard, filled with excitement, continued to run, and ran right at us. He jumped on the wall right in front of us, it was awesome. People were smacking, hitting, and going berserk.  In the process of the mob, my glasses were slung onto the field, and I was punched in the lip. I also noticed that my NC State friend was demolished by the insanity that filled the Tar Pit. She got what she asked for, you never ever doubt the Heels.

The Tar Heels went on to win the game 43-35, in stunning fashion. It was an experience that I will never forget. The glasses that were slung onto the field now sit on my dresser as a reminder of the game, and I was also featured on ESPN’s Top 10 because of Bernard’s “Carolina Leap.”

If you haven’t noticed by now, I love to attend sporting events, and the reason is because of opportunities like this. It’s kind of weird to think about, but if I would have gone to Pfeiffer, none of this could have occurred. Take advantage of being a college student, get up early, get painted, and get crazy. Remember, you’re only in college once, well unless you plan on being a Van Wilder, which my mother informed me that was not the track that I would be taking.