Sunday, October 26, 2014

Chapter 34

Chapter 34
What do you want out of your life?
“30.5 hours”
October 2014

And like that another fall break has come and gone. My break was much of the same; I had fun times with the family, I taught my nephew how to “dap me up,” (highlight of my break) and I was able to catch up with old friends. However, this fall break was the beginning of the end. I really hadn’t thought thoroughly about how fast college was going until my academic advising appointment this past week.

“30.5 hours… yep, that’s all you need,” said my advisor, as she smiled at me.

As I stared at the “30.5 hours needed for graduation” she had written on the notepad in front of me, I felt a bit of relief, but I also got a rush of anxiety. I can graduate college in 2 semesters, 2 semesters! Meaning, I could graduate December 2015.  

Before moving forward, I think it is pertinent that I touch on the thought of graduating early (semester early). When I began college I figured I would have the opportunity to graduate early because of credit in high school. Knowing that this would be a possibility, I started seeking advice from older students during my sophomore year. All of the advice I received told me to stay in college for the four years, they asked me, “What can you really do in a semester out of college?” They also told me that I only had 4 years (some 5) to be an undergraduate student.  I respect all of the advice I have been given, but I haven’t ruled out graduating early because I am an opportunity chaser, and I never know where God will lead me.

Currently, I still plan on graduating at the regular time, May 2016, but options are always best!

Since the end of my college career is approaching, I’m sure you’re wondering what I am feeling. Much like the roller coaster I spoke of before, my emotions are just the same. One minute I am excited and can’t wait for the future, and the next I am worried and scared about my future career/finding that “someone.” Although these worries seem pressing, I have learned that Jesus knows best, and he will lead me down the correct path.

Last week, I attended a bible study where I was posed with this question, “What do you really want for your life?” It was a question I hadn’t really thought about. In a lot of ways, I have only thought about my “worldly” goals (career, family). Never, before the bible study, had I taken a deep dive into my spiritual desires for my life.

After some thought, and I definitely recommend you spend some time in deep thought thinking about what you want for your life, I came up with a simple picture of what I desire.

I’m big on using metaphors, as I’m sure you’ve already have figured out, so here goes something:

Imagine a basket

This basket is used for eggs, something like you would carry to an Easter egg hunt. The basket has 4 sections, a large handle, and you have 12 eggs to place in the basket. There is a man holding the basket, that man, is not me, it’s God. In each section, I place 3 eggs. The sections represent 4 sections of my life (Family, Career, Health, and Social). My basket is different than your basket. It was hand weaved by God himself. He carries my basket. If he tilts my basket, the eggs crack; he is in control. He might shake my basket, raise it for others to see, but he will always be holding on to it. He will not leave my side.

If my life was perfect, that is how I would want my life. The sections represent all of the “worldly” goals of my life, but the entire basket represents my “spiritual” goals. I want to glorify God in all things I do. Although this is what I would like for my life, I know that it holds little to what God wants for my life. God will shake my basket more times than I’d like, and I realize sometimes my life will not be as balanced as I believe it should be.

This past week was eye-opening because I also heard a sermon that spoke of these things I have been worrying about. JD Grear, a well-known preacher in the RDU (Raleigh-Durham) area, spoke about finding your purpose in life. He explained that most college students worry about their career, who they are going to marry, and other small things that cause tons of anxiety. I felt as if his sermon was directly targeted towards me, it was one of those “you know you’re in the right place” moments.   

Pastor J.D. told the well-known Bible story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego from Daniel 3. If you’re not familiar, the three men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. When they refused to bow they were thrown into a fiery furnace. All three men survived the fire because the Holy Spirit protected them. Pastor J.D.’s point and the lesson from the story was that relying on God will provide you with the best outcome.

I was touched by the sermon, and will try my best to leave every worry with God. It will be difficult, sometimes very difficult, but I have to realize that if he can protect men from fiery furnace, he can protect and guide me into my future.

 Fall Break Pics with the Parents