Thursday, December 27, 2012

Chapter 11

Chapter 11:

Christmas Break:

“Arriving Successfully”

November-December 2012

The two weeks after Thanksgiving flew by just as the rest of the semester did. Even though the last two weeks were filled with exams and the anticipation of Christmas break, it felt as if it didn’t happen.

            During the two weeks exams kept me very busy, but exams were not my only time distraction. The Tar Heels played basketball at home every Saturday until my departure, and I had the opportunity of watching my first ever “finals streakers.” (No need to worry we will get to this topic later.)

Finals Week.  I just want you to get used to the word because it comes fast and eight times (let’s hope only eight times) as a college student. It is a time that sends students into an irregular sleep pattern, creates a tremendous amount of stress, and can be outright brutal to first year college students. It is a test to see if you can take multiple amount of test in very little time. Even though the thought of finals can seem unfathomable, I believe that I found a cure for this stressful time. I know that each person deals with pressure differently I just wanted to share a little bit of my journey through finals week.

My first finals week was not as hectic as everyone had made it sound. My exams were pretty spread out, so it gave me time to study for each one. Even though two of my exams were back to back I was able to study thoroughly for each topic. My first college exam couldn’t have been any easier, but I studied my heart out for it. It was LFIT (Lifetime Fitness) and for some reason I studied more for it than I did my other tests. I guess because it was my first ever college exam and I wanted to make sure that I made an A. Also, a quick bit of advice, you can never ever study too much. Since my LFIT exam was earlier in the exam week and my next exam wasn’t until December 8th, I had plenty of time to study for the one on the 8th and 9th. The test I had on the 8th was a 4pm exam in the class that I disliked the most, which was Decision for Economic Models (really who would like a class with that name), and the exam on the 9th was at 8am. In 16 hours I had two exams, and I knew I needed to study a bunch in order to do well in the both of them. I figured out that taking turns with each subject helped me study more efficiently and felt like I was getting something out of the studying. I can’t give you all of my tricks because if I did that would ruin all of the fun of learning. That is something that each college student should learn on his/her own. The art of studying is something that will be beneficial to your success in college. The greatest feeling in the world, well in my little world, is walking out of an exam feeling like you did the best you could do. Yes there will be times where you feel like you rocked an exam and you actually failed it, but life goes on. My last exam (Astronomy 101) was on Monday the 10th, and it was also the day that I was leaving for break. It was probably the longest exam that I had taken of the four because I was anxious to get home and complete my first semester of college.

The final exam week is not only filled with studying at UNC. It is also filled with basketball games, and the wonder tradition of watching the finals streakers. Since I am a huge UNC basketball fan the idea that exams were going on at the same time basketball games were going on, didn’t faze me a bit. I still made it to all of the basketball games that were at home during the exam week. I also showed up on the front row all decked out in my usual Carolina blue paint. Painting up for basketball games is kind of rare at UNC because so few students get basketball tickets; however, I made a promise via tweet that I would “paint up” for the UAB game on December 1st.  For some odd reason I thought it would be cool to tweet at Luke Davis and tell him that if he would follow me on twitter I would “paint up” and bring a fan club, and to my surprise he followed me. I couldn’t believe that a UNC basketball player would follow me, but he did, and I followed through. I didn’t bring a huge fan club, but two of my friends Kristin and Matt decided to throw on some paint and joined me.

The basketball game definitely relieved some stress and allowed me to make another appearance on ESPN, and not only tweet at, but get tweeted back at by a UNC basketball player, which is on the bucket list of almost all UNC students. (Well the basketball fanatic ones)  Finals streakers is something you will never find in the small town of Valdese, NC. In fact, it is rare that you will find it anywhere that it is actually allowed. However, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill it is a tradition that still lives to this day. Students of all shapes and sizes streak through the libraries on campus on the night before the first exam day in order to show their excitement for the exam season. When I first heard about it I really didn’t believe it because I thought that it would have to be illegal, but I soon found out it wasn’t. The funny part about the whole ordeal was that the cops actually protected the streakers as they flaunted their “stuff.” Even though becoming a finals streakier was is not on my list, the experience of watching it definitely made my college experience more memorable.  

When I walked off of the steps of Carroll Hall I gave one of those Tiger Woods fist pumps because I had just completed my last final exam for my first semester. Just wait, you’ll experience it.The fist pump was followed by a phone call to my parents, informing them that I was ready to come home!

Christmas Break is by far been awesome. It has been filled with food, family, and friends. It has also allowed me to really reflect on my first semester and think about what my life is actually becoming. I felt confused and I still don’t know what I will be doing with my life when I graduate, but I am more comfortable with that unknown now after a talk with my parents. I believe sitting down and talking with your parents is a great way to interact and learn something from your parents. I actually wrote my mom a letter describing my feelings.

Dear Mom,

I wanted to write you a letter because I believe that I just needed to reflect on the past year, and about the thoughts that run through my head on a daily basis.

I can remember each of our college visits like it was yesterday, and I believe after each visit I said I liked that school the most.  I often wonder what my life would’ve been like if I would have gone to Pfeiffer and played tennis. I would probably be a couple pounds lighter, rocking all A’s, and without a doubt everyone would know my name lol (maybe not that much, I got a little carried away). But I believe that conversation we had in March at the table was the most important talk we had ever had. Remember it? I listed all the positives and negatives about each school, and I thought UNC was the better one. Well I was 100% correct. I really can’t believe how it has all played out, how everything and I mean everything has happened perfectly. From the sports games, to me meeting with professors, the people I have met, and all of the interviews I have rocked; things have just seemed to fall in place. God has defiantly got his eyes and hands on little buddy. However, there is one thing I have a problem with and that is realizing what I want to do with my life.

I know mom that it will come and it will be evident on what I want to do, but I guess I just get impatient sometimes. It’s like I just want to graduate tomorrow, and come back home and work. I really don’t know how to explain it. Or it could be that I hate who I have to live with lol. UNC is a wonderful place and I love every minute of it, but sometimes I wish that I could just fast forward it and become the person I am supposed to be. I continue to look at my goals and I think I have truly realized that success is not going to come easy. Yes, I was motivated enough to make the goals, but I don’t think I realize the difficulty level of it. High School no big deal, but the first goal, my goodness. Kenan Flagler business school doesn’t accept you just because it is one of your goals. “Have my first kid”, I am nowhere ready for that. I think this list was the best thing I could have done for myself. It is really a wakeup call. If I truly want my dreams to become a reality J I have to work my butt off.  I guess I thought it would come easy, but I was majorly wrong.

The goal sheet has also kept my head on straight during this year of change. In this year I changed my mind on colleges (huge decision), graduated high school (still unbelievable), broke up with Brenna, lost my hero (I didn’t know that it would change stuff so much), started college at UNC, embraced the UNC life like no other , became an uncle, and made the UNC Dean’s List. If you were to tell me last January that all that would’ve happened; I would have never have believed you. Since I have been home for a little over a week, it has given me time to really reflect. I am truly blessed, in every way. You and Dad have done things for me that I am just now realizing. The way you have prepared Anna and I for life is remarkable. The way Anna treats Luke just gives me insights of how we were treated as babies. As my life, and I guess our families life continues to rapidly change I know that I will continue to be impressed by your love. Thank you for everything mom and I hope this upcoming year doesn’t knock me with surprises like the last. But I will be ready this time if it does!

In four years I will be writing this letter as a college graduate, and it will probably be hard to fathom then. I don’t want to make any predictions because I will be terribly wrong, but I know that if God has anything to do with it, it will be nothing but special!


I love you Mom,


 P.S. Sorry if I got a little off topic, but I like to share my thoughts J and this is my Christmas letter that I try to write every year, if you forgot!!!

After I read the letter to my parents they both gave my encouragement that I could have never received from a book like this one. My mom told me something that really stuck hard, she said, “Beginnings are scary, endings are sad, but it’s what happens in the middle that matters most.” The more I thought about it the more it made since. As I reflect on high school, I was scared to death the first day, but as I became more comfortable the memories and moments I shared were irreplaceable, and the end was somber because we all knew that a new beginning was knocking at the door. I have learned and I hope that you learn that your parents are your best teachers. When I wrote that letter I was so confused, but the more my parents spoke I became more relaxed and I now know that it doesn’t matter what career path I choose, but how I choose it. I am going to attack this next semester just like it was my first semester, chasing every opportunity and becoming the best student I can be. I made the Dean’s List and I plan on making it again!!!

Well, it’s back to the grind, 20 hour semester…what am I thinking!


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Chapter 10

Chapter 10


“Just another Obstacle”

November-December 2012


After parading around Franklin Street, time seemed to flyby. I was already used to time flying by in high school, but I don't believe time had ever moved this fast in my entire life. Before I knew it I was sitting at home enjoying that much awaited thanksgiving meal with my wonderful family. As you may have guessed, the meal not only made me gain a few pounds but also allowed me to catch up with family members I hadn’t seen since school started. Anytime you get to spend time with your family is a blessing, and I always cherish those moments. During the break I was able to discuss my book with my mother and she informed me that I need to talk or give advice about becoming homesick. I had never really felt homesick in my three months on campus, so I thought it would be a difficult topic to write about. However, the dreaded disease of homesickness entered Joyner 115 after my parents dropped me off after break.

In my opinion, Fall Break and Thanksgiving Break was a great time to spend quality time with my family and friends. Even though the breaks gave me an opportunity to spend time with the people I love, which included my new nephew; the breaks made me extremely lazy. The reason they made me lazy because while at home I didn’t do any school work, and I was able to do what I pleased. When I returned from Thanksgiving Break I was coming off of a week of home cooked meals, no homework, and living in a room by myself. I figured that the final two weeks of the semester wouldn’t be too bad, all I needed to do was knock out four exams, and I would be on my way back home.

After my parents and I ate lunch, unloaded my clothes, and decorated my room for the Christmas holidays it was time for them to leave me again. Since I was already used to leaving them and hadn’t really felt homesick yet, I didn’t think much about it. As I made it back to my room I began to work on some work that I had procrastinated over break. I am usually not a procrastinator, but there are a few things above school work on my priority list (family, friends, and food).  When I began to read a paper on China in Africa, I was easily distracted to the things I did on break. The only thing I wanted to do was call my parents to come get me, or they if they didn’t answer, I was contemplating if I could run that far. Of course, I did none of the above, but I really wish that I could have gone home for just a few more hours. I really don’t know if I was just acting lazy, or if I really missed home that badly. It was definitely a feeling that I had never experienced before. So my advice to the people that think they will not be “homesick” at all, you are in for a very rude awakening. I have only gone home twice in three months, and up until Thanksgiving Break I had never felt any kind of homesickness. I thought that I was immune to feeling homesickness, but I guess that everyone has that “momma’s boy” in them.

Every college student learns to deal with homesickness in a different way, but I wish I was given at least some suggestions before experiencing it. If you are like me, college is the first time that you have actually lived by yourself. Sometimes the experience can get very lonely, and it can give you thoughts of giving up. I have never been one of giving up, but there have actually been times where I have considered giving up. However, as the thoughts crossed my mind I saw the goals listed on my wall (goals are so important). Then I realized how blessed I was to be at such a great university, and there are people who would do anything to be in my shoes. So, never forget you are blessed to be where you are, for some reason or another you were meant to be there. As Jimmy Valvano once stated, “Don’t give up, don’t ever give up.” Secondly, I would like to share a bit of advice that my dad gave me before I left for college. He said, “Austin, college is going to be hard, if it was easy everyone would do it.” I took that advice to heart. It gives me motivation on a daily basis because it encourages me to do my best even when the subjects or situations become difficult. His advice not only pertains to school work, but the entire college experience can feel overwhelming and difficult at times. When I was feeling homesick after Thanksgiving, I kept repeating his advice in my head. The more I thought about it, the more I began to smile because I should not be dwelling about going home; I should be working hard because that is how I will become successful. Again, it comes back to having goals. If you can place your goals in front of you, nothing but yourself stands in the way of achieving those goals. Finally I would like to inform you that your parents are always just a phone call away. I am almost certain that if you call your parents they would love to talk to you and cure you of your homesickness.

If you have fears of becoming homesick while in college I would just like you to know that my spells have never lasted longer than a day. College offers so many opportunities to keep your mind off of your home. Sometimes you will even forget about home because you will get so engaged with the college environment. I hope you realize that it is perfectly normal to become homesick, and unless you had a terrible childhood, you will experience homesickness in college. In order to become successful you must stick it out, and giving up should never be an option. If you feel a little discouraged just remember the advice my father gave me. “If it were easy, everyone would do it.”




Monday, November 12, 2012

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The Tradition:

“Halloween on Franklin”

October 31, 2012


In most colleges the time between Fall Break and Thanksgiving Break is the time for midterms. Since I am a freshman I really didn’t understand the concept because in high school we never had an actual midterm, or in general terms, a test that counts for about 30 percent of your final grade. Tests in my high school were usually given by the plenty, and performing badly on one exam/test really didn’t set you back or determine your grade in that class. Even though some college classes have more than a couple of grades, it is more often than not that your grade will consist of three or four main exams.

Even though college will present you with times that will take your stress level to its max, it will also give you things to do that actually help levitate stress. One of the biggest traditions at UNC is Halloween on Franklin St.  Franklin St. is the center of social life on the campus of UNC-CH. It is where people from all across the area come in their costumes and walk up and down the historic Franklin St. Every year about 30,000 people attend the event, and it is the biggest event on Franklin, unless of course, the basketball team wins a National Championship. In which, I hope they do at least once in my four years because that would make one heck of a chapter.

While I was studying for all of my midterms, I knew I also had to think of a costume. I wanted to be original so  people would laugh, notice, or even take a picture with me. I also thought it would be cool to go with someone. So, I ended up letting my friend pick her costume first, and I would build off that. During Fall Break she informed me that she was going to be Peter Pan, and I could either be Captain Hook or Tinkerbelle. In order to stand out on Franklin St, you can probably guess which character I chose. Tinkerbelle. Austin Helms was going to be Tinkerbelle. I just want it to sink it in for a minute.

Since I live by the motto “Go Big” I wanted the costume to look ridiculous and legitimate all at the same time. Since I was at home when I decided to become the wonderful character Tinkerbelle; I had plenty of time to collect all of the pieces of my costume. If you haven’t figured it out by now, the best place to get Halloween costumes or parts is from a local thrift store. I found a perfect green V-neck in the Valdese Thrift Shop. The lady at the counter gave me an odd look as I purchased a woman’s shirt, but I didn’t care, I knew more looks were coming. My mom helped me create this outrageous costume, which I also found odd, but you can’t blame her, she loves her son. She made me a homemade tutu, and let me use some of the wings from her classroom. (By the way my mom is a teacher; she’s pretty good at thisJ)

Finally it was time for me to spread my wings and fly down to Franklin Street. I slipped on the tights, the sweet white booty shorts, the sparkly tutu, and grabbed my wand, and was ready to rock! I’ll keep this story short and tell you that I was laughed at, pointed at, and most of all I was told that I actually looked like a girl. I didn’t know how to take that comment, but I guess I reached the goal of a legitimate costume.

Since I was dressed up like a girl I didn’t mind doing obnoxious things. For instance, my Peter Pan kept wondering away from me, and it just seemed weird walking around dressed up as Tinkerbelle without Peter. I probably yelled, “PETER!!” 100 times that night. When Peter wasn’t with me I was accompanied by a large group of Minions, whom kept me very warm. It was so cold that night, and I had barely any clothes on which didn’t help my cause. I really don’t know how I would have survived without them!

I’ll be the first to tell you that a man dressed as a Tinkerbelle that is walking around with a bunch of Minions, captures a ton of attention. Click, Flash, Cheese!! Pictures were taken left and right, from big people, small people, and people that creped me out. I definitely don’t want to become a celebrity.

As the cameras began to dwindle away the night had just begun. It was now time to go to Ms. D’s for the dance party!

Every college student needs to realize that there is a time to study and work hard, but there is also time to have a great time. However it all depends on your definition of having a great time. My opinion of having a great time is hanging out with friends, sharing stories, and in certain situations, getting my dance on. Even though you might be thinking that “having fun” means drinking; I would strongly disagree. Since I have grown up in a family that alcohol was never a staple, I have learned that it is best to stay away from the temptation. When I was packing my bags to start this adventure called college I thought that was all college was about. However, I have soon learned that it all depends on who, and what you choose to do. It all comes down to choice. Yes, I have been to one fraternity party, and quickly learned that it was not the place for me. (Mom if you’re reading, I stood there and made fun of the drunk people, you know me). My advice would be is to try to not depend on alcohol for “having fun.” My reasoning behind not partaking in the drinking scene is because I believe that it offers you no, absolutely no incentives. What happens if you get a ticket? There goes your chance of getting in to the Business School? I also believe that if you have to have alcohol to have fun, there is something wrong. I am not judging anyone; I am just stating my opinion and I believe that fun is not found in a bottle, but through friends. I hope this actually makes you consider being abstinent from drinking while in college. It will really open your eyes to so many more things. Well enough of this, I need to talk about the D’s.

The D’s dance party is a “dry” party that is held every month. A “dry” party just means no alcohol. This month was extra special because it was Halloween, and everyone showed up in their costumes. The D’s is just a house that a bunch of UNC seniors live in, and they always move their furniture outside for the dances so people can dance in their living room. Let me tell you though, this house is not very large. The living room is probably meant to fit 20 people. On Halloween there were probably 75 people crammed into that little living room. Everyone was going crazy and jumping up and down as the music blared through the speakers. It was really difficult for me to maneuver through the cramped living room because my wings kept getting tangled up with people. When I finally made it to the center, I lifted my wand and turned the little blinkers on, it was if I was carrying the Olympic torch. Yet again, I think I was the highlight of the D’s as my wand lit up the room.

My first Halloween on Franklin was a huge success. It allowed was a huge stress reliever from all of the midterms. By making a fool of myself I not only did things that I would have never dreamed of, but boosted my morale on campus. I was now the guy that was Tinkerbelle! I guess that’s cool…… but it’ll do for now.

Even though I am not an expert on taking tests, I would like to give you a little bit of advice on how to study. If you don’t know it by now, college takes work. The week before my AFRI 101 exam my professor informed the class that in order to be successful in her class you must spend 15 hours studying. The thought of studying for 15 hours might sound a little harsh, well a lot, but it’s not that bad, trust me. My best advice for studying is to study early. If you start studying a week before you will stress less, and the material will be easier to translate to that exam.  I would like to let you know that I made a 90 on my AFRI exam, with the high grade being a 93. Studying really does payoff, and that makes those fun times even sweeter!




Saturday, November 3, 2012

Chapter 8


“Absolute Insanity”

October 27, 2012

One energy shot, five hours of sleep, Carolina blue paint, and beating that red team down the road, were some of the things that were involved in a Saturday that I will never forget.

When I arrived on campus here at Chapel Hill I had a few things that were circled on my calendar. One of which was the NC State game. The reason I had it marked was because it was probably the biggest game we would have all year, and if we won I would have some junk to talk to my friends. It was also a big game on campus because NC State had beaten us the last five years.

As soon as my alarm sounded on Saturday morning I felt an adrenaline rush, or it could have been from the energy shot I quickly downed. I am usually not a person that doesn’t need extra energy, however; the lack of sleep from the night before had drained me from all of my excess energy. I got up so early because the group I was “painting up” likes to be the first ones in the gate. If you ever get the chance to paint your body, do it! The paint may be cold when it hits your skin, but it’s something that every college student should have on their bucket list.

Our group decided to spell out “REDEMPTION” since we were still looking for our first win in 5 years. We arrived at the student gate at Kenan Memorial Stadium at 9:30. Did I mention that the game didn’t start until 12:30? I guess you can call it crazy, but we call it True Blue. Literally, we are True Blue.

The wait wasn’t as bad as it sounds because people began to file behind us, and every now and then someone would start a chant. Tar…. Heels! I was so ready for this game; I think I felt like I was actually playing.

At 11:00 the security guards swung the doors open, and in we fled. I was in the front of the pack, and was instructed by our leader to get to the “spot.” According to the girl that organizes it all, they always go to the same spot, and it is usually the spot that the T.V. crews target. After we all claimed the “spot” it was time to wait yet again. I think we actually waited more at the stadium than we did watching, but it was definitely worth it!

As the fans began to fill the stadium the adrenaline was continuing to pump through my veins. If you have ever been to a Carolina football game it usually doesn’t have as much excitement as a big time football school. However, since we were playing our in state rivals, it was a different story.

Ok, well I think you get the picture. It’s time to talk about the game. As soon as the first kick off was in flight, the stadium started rocking. We actually started off with two very impressive drives, making the score 15-0.  The Tar Pit, which is the name of the student section, loved every minute of it. We were yelling, chanting, and dancing every time UNC trotted into the end zone. I received a text from numerous people, and they told me to smile because I was on T.V. I guess we really were in the T.V. spot.

Even though we had a great start to the game, NC State came roaring back. They actually took a lead of 28-25 at halftime. Their quarterback threw at 4 touchdown passes that were uncontested. I kept telling one of the guys that were beside me, “in order for us to win the game, we have to outscore them.” I’m usually an optimist when it comes to my sports teams, but we just have a terrible defensive secondary. I had faith though, and I knew that are offense could come through.

At halftime I got to meet up with a friend that goes to NC State. I hadn’t seen her in forever, and it was good to talk to her for a bit. As I was about to head back to the “spot” I invited her over to the real student section (how I prefaced it). I figured she would say no, but she decided to head on over. I guess it was her fault, but she asked for it (don’t worry, I’ll explain).

The third quarter was long, and in a lot of ways very boring. There was only one touchdown scored, and it was by NC State, and I heard all about it from my friend. Then I informed her that she was surrounded by Carolina fans, and cheering for them boldly might get her thrown out. The cheers didn’t last much longer because fourth quarter was ours. Or should I say it was Giovani Bernard’s.

As I predicted the offense of UNC came storming back, and with about two minutes left on the clock they punched in a field goal to tie the game. The score now was deadlocked at 35-35. NC State received the ball and was quickly taken down. After a sack, and three unsuccessful plays, it was time for them to punt. Looking back on the whole situation, it would have probably been best if they would have just went for it.

Giovani Bernard was back deep for my Heels, and he was more than ready for this moment. The moment that would put him into the Heisman talk, the ESPN Top 10, and the moment that would give UNC their first win over NC State in 5 years.

He caught the ball, and the rest is history. Bernard jolted down the field, found a gap, and went alllllll theeeee wayyyyy!! Bernard, filled with excitement, continued to run, and ran right at us. He jumped on the wall right in front of us, it was awesome. People were smacking, hitting, and going berserk.  In the process of the mob, my glasses were slung onto the field, and I was punched in the lip. I also noticed that my NC State friend was demolished by the insanity that filled the Tar Pit. She got what she asked for, you never ever doubt the Heels.

The Tar Heels went on to win the game 43-35, in stunning fashion. It was an experience that I will never forget. The glasses that were slung onto the field now sit on my dresser as a reminder of the game, and I was also featured on ESPN’s Top 10 because of Bernard’s “Carolina Leap.”

If you haven’t noticed by now, I love to attend sporting events, and the reason is because of opportunities like this. It’s kind of weird to think about, but if I would have gone to Pfeiffer, none of this could have occurred. Take advantage of being a college student, get up early, get painted, and get crazy. Remember, you’re only in college once, well unless you plan on being a Van Wilder, which my mother informed me that was not the track that I would be taking.





Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Chapter 7:

Fall Break!!

“Back on the Ground”

October 2012

Scotty Mccreery’s song, “Back on the Ground,” perfectly describes the feeling of going back home for the first time in a long time. To be exact, this was the first time I had been home since August 17th, which is exactly two months. I didn’t want to go home until fall break because I wanted to get accustomed to the college life. The two months definitely let me become comfortable with the environment. I was able to build friendships on the weekends that I wouldn’t have built if I would have gone home every weekend. It also allowed me to stay on top with Carolina Fever points. For the past two months I have been diligent in going to every sporting event because I want my basketball tickets!!

            The week leading up to Fall Break seemed like it took forever. It was probably because I couldn’t stop thinking about home cooked meals, and my queen sized bed that needed my comfort.  However, after 2 exams, reading a novel, and writing a five page paper, I was ready to go home.

            Since I was riding home with my cousin, her mom and mine decided to just cook dinner at my cousin’s house. I really didn’t mind because there was food, and I got to see my mom. I would have preferred a meal at my house, but this would suffice for the night. As soon as we arrived my mom came outside with a huge grin on her face, ready to give her son a much awaited hug. After the hugging I decided to surprise her, and introduce her to UNC’s newest Student Admissions Ambassador.

            I forgot to mention that I also applied for the Admissions Ambassador Program at UNC. The ambassadors at UNC give tours for upcoming freshman, and I knew it was something I wanted to do. The application process was very long and demanding. They informed us after applying that they had a record number of 600 students apply for the program. After the application process 200 or so students were invited to an interview, and then roughly 100 moved on to a finals day. After all of the stress and worry, I became an Admissions Ambassador. When I received the email on the Wednesday before I left I was so excited! The bad part about getting the email was that I was in class and couldn’t scream like I wanted to. Instead of going outside or skipping class, I just asked my classmates to give me a high five. They all gave me a puzzled look, but I told them I deserved it, so they best give me one.

            When I informed my mom that I was officially an ambassador, she was exuberant. My mom had helped me with the first application, and had ironed my clothes so I would look “fresh” on my interview day. Let me tell you, I was looking spiffy in my pink bowtie, and I think that actually helped my cause of getting the job.

            After talking to my mom for a bit, I realized that my dad was nowhere to be found. My mom then informed me that he was on a work trip and he would be back home Friday. Now, my dad never goes on work trips, but I guess I’ll forgive him. My dad is that kind of father figure that never missed anything while I was in grade school. He was at every sporting event (well almost, I can tell you the ones he missed), every assembly that I was recognized, and even Donuts for Dads in elementary school. I still think he enjoyed Donuts for Dads more than me because he always took two or three to go.

After eating some spaghetti at my cousins, it was finally time to go back to my house. On the way over I was hoping that my father hadn’t made any huge mid-life crisis changes to the house. I just couldn’t deal with a bunch of different accessories added to the house.  When we pulled in I noticed that nothing had changed, other than a huge satellite in the middle of our backyard. Before I left the satellite was behind the house, and now it was sitting awkwardly in the middle of the yard! I quickly asked my mom, “Why is that there?” She laughed and said, “Your dad thinks you will be proud, we have HD now.” In case you don’t know my dad, he thinks that a HD TV comes with a clearer picture than a regular TV. I have told him plenty of times that you have to buy the HD channels in order to get the clearer resolution.  By being at UNC, I was always bragging about having HD, so it must have rubbed off on him. My mom explained the reason the satellite was in the middle of the yard was so that it had a clear shot to the sky.

When I walked into my house for the first time in two months I had to stop and take it all in. I was trying to figure out what the smell was, and realized that it was our family scent. When you live in a house for so long you become use to the smell, and usually don’t pay it any attention. The smell I am talking about is the smell that you notice when you go into anyone else’s house other than your own. Since I hadn’t been back to our house in so long I could finally smell our scent. I was finally home, as my nose clarified. We still had the same green carpet, same magnets on the fridge, and I had the same cozy bed. Oh was it was great to go home!!

When I awoke from my mattress, that felt like heaven compared to my dorm room, I realized that my mom had bought all the snacks that I loved! It was as if I was a little boy again. All of my favorite treats were aligned in the cabinet, and I knew my dad would be extra happy when he got home because there was no way I could eat them all. As I munched down on some Powdered Sugar Donuts, I realized that it had been a day since I had taken a shower. I also realized that I didn’t have to take a shower with sandals on. If you didn’t know already, you have to wear sandals when you take showers in college. Although you can take them without sandals, I wouldn’t advise that because you can catch athlete’s foot, and you never know what people do in the shower! After my sandal free shower I was ready to begin my first ever Fall Break!

Since I am the son of Amy Helms, I have learned that if you want to get anything done efficiently you should make a schedule. Before arriving in Valdese, my mom told me I should make a list of all the people I want to see because time will go by too fast. On my first day of fall break I had planned to go out to eat with my Grandma Sissy (my dad’s mom and the name is a whole different story, but I’ll be referring to her as “Sissy”). I arrived at her house around 10:30am and was met with her running out the door with the biggest smile I had ever seen. I knew Sissy loved me, but she was acting like I hadn’t been home in ages. She gave me one of those short grannie hugs, and we were on our way.

            Sissy informed me that we could go anywhere I wanted to eat, and I could eat anything I wanted to. What Sissy didn’t know was that I had already planned out where I wanted to eat, so I was quick to tell her Olive Garden.  Before college I didn’t realize how much I would miss the food at home, and in my community. Since I am a first year student, I don’t have my car and I am limited on the restaurants I get to indulge in. I have also found that when I begin to get homesick I begin to miss the food that used to be so readily available.  Now back to “Austin and Sissy’s Day Out.” We drove all over Hickory, NC buying me food and clothes for the remainder of the semester. It was definitely a day that I will never forget. It was the first time that Sissy and I had gone on a shopping trip without my mom, and because it was very difficult hauling all of my food/clothes in my two-door truck.  

            The hickory adventure with Sissy was super exciting, but it was now time for me to go an open gym and play basketball with kids from my high school. Even though I was only getting to play with one of the kids I played with in high school; it was definitely fun getting to play with the younger guys. When I arrived at the school I realized how small our campus actually was compared to UNC. I graduated with about 150 students, so you can just imagine how small my school is. In 2016, I will graduate with close to 6000, which is hard to fathom.  If you have the chance to go back to your high school, I would advise you go back. I know you are probably thinking, “I am never coming back to this place!” However, you must realize that this school shaped you, and you shaped that school. In my case, I was a part of the first full class. In other words, the school is in its 5th year. It has been an awesome experience watching my high school evolve into a school that is now known nationally. During my senior Jimmy C. Draughn was ranked in the Top 20 of high schools in North Carolina. I quickly realized that the school had changed even more since I had been their last. There were now more murals on the wall, pictures of the new students, and a brand new gym floor.  I was disappointed that they decided to redo the gym floor after I was gone, but I guess that comes with the school’s growth. The floor looked spectacular, even though it looked nothing like the Dean Dome floor; I was still impressed.  By being able to come back and play in the gym I made so many memories in was really special. It was a different experience now because I was no longer the youngest player in the gym, but the oldest player. I guess it served as a wake-up call. It served as a wake-up call because it made me realize that this is home, this is where my roots where planted, and I should never forget where I come from. I gave everything I had on that court, and I should carry that to Chapel Hill. No, I won’t be playing on a court, but I will be playing the game of life, and in order to succeed I must give it my all. Just a side note, on senior night, I dropped 19 points, which was my career high. Maybe one day, I will leave Chapel Hill with a bang; well not maybe, I will leave in a bang!

            Even though playing basketball with my friends was fun, it also made me miss high school like I had never missed it before. I usually don’t get emotional, so I didn’t cry when I left that day, but I realized that this was all high school would be to me anymore.

            When I finally arrived back home after an activity filled day, my mom was waiting on me with the taco dinner I had requested. This is a must do when coming home. Tell your mom or dad to cook your favorite meal because chances are it will make your day, and they will enjoy cooking their child anything they would like. If your mom is like mine, when she is a “happy chef” the food is delicious! Of course the food was wonderful, and after devouring my second helping I gave my mom the biggest thank you hug that has ever been given out. I will tell you that if your Fall Break days are as jam packed as mine, you will be worn out, and nothing is better than sleeping on your “cloud” of a mattress. (Well compared to that prison cell bed you are being forced to sleep in)

            Friday’s are always my favorite, and this Friday just happened to be extra special. My father was coming back home, I was going out to eat with my high school friends, and going to the high school football game. If you haven’t figured out already, I love sports, and I especially love high school football. For as long as I can remember my dad and I have always gone to football games on Friday nights. Since I am in college, these Friday nights have not been filled with football games, but other activities that UNC has to offer. My dad arrived around lunch time and he took me out to eat at Chubby’s in Valdese. If I didn’t mention already, that is where one of my gumball machines is located, and their food is amazing! We were able to catch up on all of the stuff that I had missed out on. We primarily talked about Draughn’s football team. I was overjoyed that my dad came home because I had really missed those conversations.  College makes you realize that your parents were really the ones rooting for you all alone. Sometimes you may have felt that they were being to protective or too harsh on you, but you will soon realize they were doing everything for a reason. I said before that grade school doesn’t prepare for you college, but your parents do. Never forget to come back and to have those conversations. There is nothing in this world that a parent wants to hear more than their child’s voice.

            After some quality time with my dad I went to hang out with some friends. This is kind of ironic, but we also went to eat at the other restaurant that held my other vending machine. I guess you can call me paranoid, but I had to go see if they were still intact. I went to eat with three of my “girlfriends” that I had been in school with since kindergarten. It was really cool to meet up with all them and hear their different experiences. Elizabeth was going to Campbell, Bailey- NC State, and Marykate was at Western Carolina. We just shared stories from our different universities, and caught up on life. If you have a close set of friends that mean a lot to you, I highly recommend giving them a call on break. Discussing your college story with your friends really helps relieve stress, and it helps you realize that college gives everyone a unique experience. After dinner, we were on our way to the football game!!

            When I heard the voice of Bill Poteat ringing through the speakers, I knew I was at the right place. “Sharpen up your claws……Cause’ it’s time to play football in WILLLLLLDCAT COUNTRYYY!” Man, did it feel like home. When I walked into the stadium it was as if I recognized everyone. I wasn’t used to this because when the undergraduate population is 18000 you very rarely know more than ten people at one event. I was able to chat with people that I hadn’t seen since graduation. Then, I saw her, my ex-girlfriend. We had talked about meeting up at the game and talking, but how long we would talk; only time could tell.

            Before I talk about our conversation, I want to tell you that I love surprising people. I like to jump out of places, give surprise gifts, and I love to make people smile. I guess you could call me a romantic in away. Even though, my mom would attest to the whole surprising thing. Since she is my mom, it’s more of a scaring type of surprise, but that is beside the point. I love to surprise people, and even have the way I am going to propose to my wife planned out. I would tell you, but my future wife could be reading this and I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

            After catching a glimpse of my ex-girlfriend, I decided to sneak around so I could come in behind her so she wouldn’t see me. I quickly moved so I could do so, and was directly behind her. I moved in and gently touched her and head, and gave it one of those “you know who it is” touches. We talked about everything from her high school stories to my college stories, and before we knew it, it was the fourth quarter.  I realized that nothing had really changed about her, she was still gorgeous, she still had the same laugh, and the same look that always makes me smile. I really don’t know where the relationship will go from here, but I do know that I miss her. If we don’t ever become an “item” again, I know that I will always have a friend that will always be there for me. The game ended, and so did our conversation, but I don’t think it’s the last time I will be seeing this girl. She is really special.

            The weekend flew by, just as my mom predicted. I was able to see my sister, Anna, who is pregnant and my brother-in-law, Brian. It was awesome seeing my sister because she will be having a child in November, which means the next time I see her it will be time for her to have a baby. The thought of being an uncle is sweet. Although, I will not be able to see it a lot, I still know he will be my little buddy! The weekend also consisted of getting my cookie jar refilled by my mom’s best friend Gretchen. Gretchen always makes the best cookies, and she is always up for trying a new recipe for her favorite Tar Heel. This time she filled the bowl with snicker doodle, and oh are they perfect. Hopefully my roommate want get into them because they won’t last a week in the dorm room. Realizing that Fall Break was coming to an end was not at all exciting. However, I knew it was time for me to go back, and I had Fever points to get!

            Fall Break was everything that I thought it would be. I was able to eat food that I couldn’t have on campus, I was able to spend quality time with my family and friends, and I was able to reminisce high school with the basketball team. The break also made me realize how much I missed home, but also how much I enjoyed college.

            As I am recuperating from fall break, I feel homesick at times. However, as I read my goals this morning I realized that goals don’t come easy. The people that stick it out, and work hard through the thick and thin, reach their goals! Even though I am trying to get back into the swing of things, I am still counting down the days that I “get to drop by and check on mama… for a minute.”


 Elizabeth and I


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Chapter 6

Random Roommate:

“There are the Best of Times and the Worst of Times”

August 2012- October 2012


My cousin once told me a story that seemed to make perfect since. She told me that her mom’s best friend always gave her daughter advice when something wasn’t going her way. The mother would simply say, “Now Grace, there are the best of times and the worst of times, and right now Grace, we are experiencing the worst of times.” After thinking about  the advice it has pretty much summed up my college experience thus far. I have had plenty “best of times,” and I have experienced my share of “worst of times.” Remember when I said the roommate stories were coming?

Since I didn’t have the option of rooming with a guy from my high school; I chose to take the random roommate track. Yes, the random roommate track can be hard, but it is all a part of the first-year college experience. Remember when I told you that getting to know your roommate is a good idea? Well, when I met mine for the first time I thought that the roommate experience was going to be a very easy transition. We had a great conversation about our high school experiences, and we were both stoked about going to Carolina. However, I should have realized that there is a big difference in hanging out with someone, and actually living with that person. 

On move-in day I learned first-hand how difficult the roommate experience can be.  My roommate had arrived earlier that day and already had set his side of the room up. When I walked into the room with my parents and my cousin, I thought that we should set the room up a different way. When I proposed a new room plan, he informed me that he had already plugged in his computer charger and he wasn’t going to unplug it. My parents looked at him with this dumbfounded look, and we just kept working. My advice would be to not argue with your roommate, but to just choose your battles with them when you don’t agree with everything they say. I decided that the best time to talk to him about the room setup was not when I was moving in.

The first week on campus with my roommate was not pleasant.  For starters, he had the alarm going off at 8am, and we weren’t even in class. When I asked why he had the alarms set he told me that it was because he wanted to get used to waking up early. However, the bad part about it was that he wouldn’t cut the alarms off. He would just sit in his bed and eventually I would get mad enough and cut them off myself. I should reiterate that learning to live with someone can be difficult. No matter how much you think you know your roommate, it will be an experience that you will never forget. The alarm situation didn’t last long because I actually had to get up, so all of the alarms have benefited me. If I don’t get up on the first buzz, I am quickly awakened by the sound of his pop music. I can still remember, “Someone like you” by Adele, booming from the speakers one morning, and I think that is the morning I almost threw the radio out the window. 

The number one reason I decided to live in the substance-free dorm was because I didn’t want to have to deal with my roommate coming in drunk. I figured a person who wanted to live in a substance-free dorm would go to bed at a decent hour; however, my roommate doesn’t sleep. When I mean doesn’t sleep, I mean he usually goes to bed at 3 or 4am. He doesn’t just stay up this late on the weekends, but this is an everyday ritual. There have even been times where he doesn’t sleep at all. I woke up one morning at like 5am, and he was nowhere to be found. But, I finally found him and, he was just sleeping in the lounge. Even though his sleeping habits are different than mine, he has never disrupted my sleeping pattern. Sometimes the people in our dorm joke with us because I am the one that goes to bed super early, and he goes to bed super late.  When we decided to move our room around it seemed to be a very stressful situation for my roommate. I found that somewhat understandable though. He had already gotten used to the room arrangement that we were in, and I was just feeling the need for a change. One of the hardest challenges you will have with your roommate is compromising on issues. The small issue of rearranging your room can be a big deal for some people. Everyone is different in a way, and I am different in the fact that I like to change things up every now and then. After working out a way to design our room, we bunked the beds, and were able to consolidate for more space. So my advice when making decisions like rearranging the room is to take both of your ideas and come to a mutual agreement. Also I would suggest getting some friends down the hall to help because rearranging the room can be a ton of work. 

Even though I can’t stand my roommate sometimes, I wouldn’t change this experience for anything. It is a great experience learning to live on your own, and learning to live with someone else. I guarantee that you will dislike at least one thing about your roommate, but make sure you don’t get into an argument with them. My roommate and I have not had an argument yet, and I don’t plan on getting in one anytime soon. My advice would be to not room with one of your friends because if you were friends before, there is a chance that you won’t be friends after the roommate experience. Even though my roommate wasn’t great with cutting off his own alarm, and he doesn’t understand the word sleep; he keeps his side of the room clean, and he respects my belongings. That may sound a little childish, but I think it is one of the most important things with a dorm. For instance, who wants to walk into a stinky, messy room? Not this guy.

If my roommate is reading this am not apologizing for what I have stated; I just wanted people to realize that rooming with someone is a difficult experience. I am also sure that he could reiterate the fact that I have some weird habits of my own. For example, on move in day I brought in a truck load of clothes, which for a guy my age is very odd. I have also found myself going to bed at 9:30 on some evenings, which is not typical of a college student.

Even though my roommate and I are very different, I still treat him with respect. Since I have not known him for long enough I have not had the opportunity to actually get to know him as a person. The only thing that I have experienced is the way that he deals with simple living things. If you base your roommate experience solely on “alarm clocks” or “bed times” you will never get the chance to know someone. Yes, it’s annoying at times when someone is different than you, but in reality, you are different to them too. I don’t know what the future holds for the two of us, but in the time between now and the end of the year, I hope to get know who he really is. At the end of the year my roommate and I will have had our share of the “best and worst of times,” and I really can’t wait to experience them!

So some guidelines for rooming your first year:

1.      Go random, it’s worth it for the experience

2.      Respect their belongings

3.      Go to bed at a decent hour

4.      Cut OFF your alarm!

5.      They have feelings and opinions, so respect them

6.       No matter how different they are at first, give them a chance




Sunday, October 7, 2012

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

“Getting Involved”

September-October 2012


Every year UNC has Fall Fest. Fall Fest is a time when every club UNC has to offer comes out on South Road to recruit new members. The upperclassmen on my hall even explained if you don’t want to do any clubs it is always a good time to get free stuff. After hearing it was something that every freshman should do, I couldn’t wait to attend! However, when August 19th rolled around, so did a treacherous storm. A storm that not only flooded the roads, but a storm that canceled Fall Fest. Everyone was devastated because it had only been canceled one other time that the University had held it. How was I supposed to get involved??

Of course they had a back-up plan and had a mini-fall fest in the Pit, but not near the excitement was in the air since everyone was still angry at the fact that they canceled the real Fall Fest. During the mini-fall fest I was able to get a ton of free food and cups that the different clubs were giving out. However, since the mini-fall fest had to be scheduled at a different time most of the clubs couldn’t be there at the same time. This made it so hard for people like me because I had no idea what clubs was out there.  So it was pretty much up to me if I wanted to get involved, and I encourage you if your “Fall Fest” is rained out, you still need to get involved in some way or another.

I guess you can say I got involved like most freshman. I gave out my email to almost all of the clubs, took their flyers, and told them I would see them at the first meeting. When finally I realized I was holding a stack of about 10 club information cards I realized it was time to end my time at the mini-fall fest.

Even though that sounds absurd, taking as many papers as possible is the best bet. If you don’t know what is out there you will never have the opportunity to experience something life changing. However, I am kind of glad Fall Fest was canceled because I would have been bombarded with emails for that first week.

The first month of college was a time for me to try everything, and when I say everything, I mean trying things that I would have never dreamed of doing. My adventures have consisted of intramurals, church groups, major based clubs, and trying out for a variety of teams.

When I decided I was going to come to Carolina I was determined to play every sport possible that the intramural office offered. The process however is much more complicated than I thought. I knew I wanted to play flag football my first semester, so I started recruiting the first day I was on campus. After convincing about a dozen guys to join my team I was ready to create our squad online. The intramural office makes you create an online account on a website called Imleagues. The most surprising thing about it was that it made you take a test in order to play flag football. I had never taken a test to play a sport, but in order to play intramural flag football you have to.  The website also allows you to create a team name, and that was definitely my favorite part.

When “First-Year Swag” hit the field on that warm summer night in September, they didn’t know what hit them. (Nothing hit them lol) Let’s just say our first game didn’t go as planned and we ended up losing on a mercy rule. However, FYS is getting better and by senior year we will be competing for the intramural championship. Although we might have to consider a name change because we will be sporting the “Four-Year Swag!”

Intramural sports are a great way to get involved with friends and the University. They allow you to have fun and creative, win or lose.

If you have any religious background, my advice would be to get involved with a church or campus ministry. By growing up a Baptist, I knew I wanted to keep my spiritual faith going. I also knew there would be plenty of organizations in college, but I wanted to find the perfect one. I have soon realized that there are a ton of Christian organizations that I enjoy, but am finding that when I just attend one I get much more out of the service. My time here at UNC has consisted of me attending Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Cornerstone, and Reach UNC. By attending these different organizations I hope that I will be able to find the one that will benefit me most.

I have also attended different churches on campus. I believe that it is very important to have a balanced life and by having a balanced life means have a spiritual relationship. My experiences with churches on the campus have been very different. The first week I attended a very contemporary church called, “The Summit, the second week I went to the Baptist church on campus, which was slightly contemporary, and the third week I went to the Methodist church that was very traditional. I am not saying that one is better than the other, but I believe in order to have a spiritual relationship on college, you have to find the church that works for you. I have found that “The Summit” is the best fit for me. I enjoy the service better because of the contemporary music they play, and the preacher usually speaks directly to the college students in the audience. The more I attend “The Summit” the more I realize that I was meant to find this church, and God is leading me down a path that I can’t control. It is truly awesome to let God work in your life because you never know what he can do.

When trying to figure out what you want to major in, it’s a good idea to get involved with a club that catches your interest. I decided to join the marketing club because I think that is what I want to major in. The club is also used to find out if that is what you actually want to do. Colleges have major-based clubs to allow students with the same interests work together on projects. One of the perks of being in the marketing club is that we have our meeting inside of the Kenan Flagler Business School. The first time I walked into the building I was in awe. The B-school is located in its own area of campus, and as soon as I walked in to door of McColl, I was in love. On my way to our meeting room, I found a room that looked like a mini New York stock exchange. By seeing the resources that the business school had I knew this is where I wanted to be. I will definitely use that as motivation. Even if you don’t know what you want to major in, it’s a great idea to try out a major based club that sparks some kind of interest.

I don’t remember if I told you, but I have always been an athlete. Ever since I was born I was throwing some kind of ball. During high school I participated in football, basketball, and tennis. Sports have always been my life, and figured I would keep that tradition going in college. However, I never thought I would try out for the cheerleading team. I know I seem repetitive when I say college is full of opportunity, but I still have a hard time believing that I tried out for cheerleading. I am probably the farthest thing from a cheerleader, but I gave it a try.

At convocation, all of the cheerleaders were handing out flyers about cheerleading try outs. I grabbed one of the papers just to be nice and slipped it in my pocket. I really don’t remember thinking anything about it until I made it back to my dorm. The paper said, “No experience required…. benefits include FREE Nike Gear, FREE Tickets to sporting events.. and a few more things I can’t recall. After reading the paper about five times, I told myself, “why not?” Let’s make this long story very short and say that I tried. It was actually very fun, but challenging. The only negative behind it was that the time commitment was far too much that I could handle. The coach told me that I would start out at JV, and if I could improve I would eventually be able to cheer at the varsity level. After contemplating if I should do it or not, I decided it was in my best interest to focus more on school work. However, I am glad that I tried because it is something that I will forever remember. I was also sacred that my dad was going to disown me, so it was a good decision to not partake in cheerleading.

Alright, after trying out for cheerleading I had to redeem myself, and try out for JV Basketball. I knew that I wouldn’t make the team, but the major incentive for trying out was playing basketball in the Dean E. Smith Center. Wait, what? Austin Helms, gets to play in the Dean E. Smith Center? The same kid that has dreamed of playing in this gym since he was five years old. Sorry for that, but it just didn’t seem real that I would have the chance to play in a gym that legends have played in. I can still remember shooting in the backyard, and pretending that I made the final shot in a Duke vs. UNC game. I know I wasn’t actually playing for UNC, but I was playing in the gym that they played in, and that was probably the closest I would ever get to any kind of college basketball.

On October 3rd, 2012 I took the floor. I took the floor in shock and with so much excitement that I didn’t know what to do. I just kept looking around just to make sure that I was not having a dream. This moment in my life was so surreal. I guess it seemed so amazing because I was always used to watching the games on T.V. and never thought I would have the chance to play on the court. But, then, I saw a white head pop into the gym. A white head, that belonged to the one, the only, Roy Williams. Now I was not only playing basketball in a gym that I had always dreamed about, but I was playing in front of one of the NCAA’s best basketball coaches. After staring at him for quite some time I realized it was time for me to actually play, and not stare at Coach Williams.

 The tryout went relatively well, but I know the JV basketball team was above my level. I just went to tryouts for the opportunity to play in the Smith Center. Also, I would like to inform you that I scored multiple baskets in the Dean Dome, and will be bragging about that until I die.  I know this may seem silly, but few people get to experience the thrill of playing in the Smith Center. Let’s just say my Facebook status that night got close to 50 likes, “That moment when Coach Williams watches you play, and you realize you're running sprints in a gym where legends have played. #priceless #goheels #wontforget.”

In the two months I have been on campus I have also become a Carolina fanatic. Before I was a student I was a diehard basketball fan, but I am now a fan in every sport UNC has to offer. I attend all of the sporting events, and don’t miss a football game. (I usually don’t miss the games that give you points to get basketball tickets) The coolest experience I have had with the sports here is painting up for football games. My parents even texted me during one of the games and informed me I got some camera time. But, what can I say, when you show enough spirit to throw on blue paint you better get on T.V. While in college learn the fight song, and some of the cheers, they really make the games a blast!

When you get to college, don’t forget to get involved. In some way or another, college will light your world on fire. You will find something that will spark your interest. I know that my experiences are rare, but if you really want to try it all, you most certainly can. Go and get it, the only person who is stopping you, is that beautiful person in the mirror!!

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Welcome to College:

The Irony of Rain

September 2012

On Tuesday September 18, 2012, I woke up. I woke up from the fact that I thought that college work wasn’t going to be that bad, and I could just get by. I figured the day would come I just didn’t know when, and it just happened to be raining on that day.

            This day was different in a couple of ways. It was the first time that I had to meet a professor about my work, and it was the first day that I had to walk through the pouring rain. When I mean pouring rain, I mean it was raining so hard that my umbrella was blowing in all different directions. Like I stated before, I have two classes on Tuesday, so the thought of walking in the rain doesn’t seem to terrible, but trust me, the monsoon rain was not a pleasant experience.

            After returning from my first class soaking wet I thought the day couldn’t get any worse. Well, of course I was wrong. Remember the wake-up call I had been waiting for, well it was coming in a matter of thirty minutes. The meeting with my English professor, not only woke me up from the thought of getting by, but made me realize that if I really want something I have to go get it.

            I really haven’t explained what my goals are so, here we go. My number one goal right now is to be accepted into the Kenan-Flaglar Business School here at UNC. The business school at Carolina is currently number six in the nation. The admission is very competitive, and only the students with an exceptional academic record and extracurricular activities get into the business school. The average GPA of acceptance is approx. 3.5.  When I first heard the GPA of 3.5, I thought that would be easy. However, I have quickly learned that a 3.5 in college is not the same as a 3.5 in high school. There are no weighted classes, and the classes are much more difficult on the college level.

            When I am accepted into The Kenan-Flaglar Business School I want to major in Business Administration with a concentration in marketing. (you notice how I said when, not if, you have to believe if you want to achieve) One day I hope to own my own marketing company that creates commercials for goods that promote the “go green” initiative. My goals are very large, but I believe that with small goals I can achieve the big goals I have for myself.

            Alright now that you know my goals I would like for you to write yours down now on a separate page. My goal for you is to forever keep these goals with you and to post them on your wall in your dorm room and to read them every day. I have learned that doing this really does make a difference.

            When I arrived in Dr. Rivard’s office on Tuesday I was a bit nervous on what here comments were going to be on my paper. I thought that I had gave it effort, but I just had that feeling that she was going to “tear it up.” I set down in her small office on the fourth floor of the Greenlaw Building to be devastated. She began to explain to me that my detail was exceptional, but I had not followed the prompt. She said that in order to receive a decent grade on the paper I needed to make sure the points followed the prompt clearly. Since I thought that I put a decent amount of effort into the paper; the only thing that came out was, “Do you think it would be best to start over?” She replied without hesitation, “Yes.” Wait… what? NOOOOO! All I could think was I really didn’t mean start over. However, I could tell by the look in her eye that starting over was the best possible solution. The n she said, “Times up, any more questions?” I grabbed my book bag and walked out the door, and was hit with the pressure of stress and falling raindrops.

            I will be the first to tell you that redoing a five page paper on memory in one day is not exciting.  Oh and did I mention that starting over meant finding new scholarly sources, which are a pain to find. The walk back to my dorm was probably the most important walks I have had since I have been here. It symbolized everything that college is about. When it’s raining and you feel hopeless, you keep walking because your future depends on it. I do have to say realizing that in the pouring rain has some positives to it. It gave me the encouragement to finish my paper in two hours, and taught me that college isn’t going to be easy. Never forget that when something negative comes into your life, always make it positive, no matter how wet you get!