Monday, June 13, 2016

Post Grad 1- Time to Publish


Finished College, Finished Graduation, What’s next?

June 2016

It’s been almost a year since I posted on the blog, and some of you might’ve wondered if I quit writing, but in fact, I never quit. I wanted to keep my senior year (Aug ’15-May’16) a surprise, so I didn’t publish any of the chapter I wrote this past year. Once my book is published, you’ll get to see how my last chapter ended, and how the new one is beginning.

Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who played an integral part in the last 21 years of my life. It has been a time filled with excitement, adventure, and through it all I have learned so much of what it takes to live a successful life. My parents, my family, my teachers/professor, friends, and the random people that have come into my life, have all had some kind of impact that I haven’t overlooked. Thank you for all the little things that you may have done for me.

As I reflect on the past four years in college, I wonder “what’s next?” What’s the next adventure, what will I see, who I will meet, the list goes on and on. However, college showed me that worrying about the future will only do one thing, make me worry more. The next adventures will come, but for now, I will live in the moment.

Since graduation, I ventured to the beach, Jamaica, and have spent my free time playing golf, and various other stress-free activities. One of those being beginning the book publishing process! I hope that you will continue to follow my journey, as I take my college stories/lessons, and turn them into a book that will impact 1000s of future college students.

I did graduate college, but my journey has just begun. Thank you for the support, prayers, and especially laughter over the years. It’s time for this dream to become a reality.

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