Saturday, December 28, 2013

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

What a difference a year can make:

“Suit to Suit”


It only takes a few seconds for the Dean E. Smith Center to become a nightmare for the opposing team. Fans from all levels of the stadium, row A to row ZZ (supposedly where they sell oxygen), stand and create an atmosphere like no other.

As my time as a Tar Heel fan, I have experienced this feeling in about every way possible. I’ve been in the upper deck, lower deck, in the student section dressed as a banana, and now as a JV Basketball Manager.

My view now as a manager is quite different. No longer am I waiting hours on end outside in the cold, rain, or snow, and I am definitely not throwing the banana suit on anymore. Even though I loved “jumping around” in the student section before every jump ball; this feeling of being a manager is much sweeter.

The JV team at Carolina is a tradition that was started by Coach Dean Smith. We play surrounding division three colleges, community colleges and some prep schools. The team is meant to give students the opportunity to play at the next level while attending a prestigious university. If selected to the JV team, you have two years of eligibility, and some earn the spot as a walk-on with the varsity team.  I am also given two years of eligibility as a JV manager in hopes to one day work with the varsity team.

As a JV manager we take on a variety of responsibilities. We help with practices and JV/Varsity games. We take on roles such as towel boys, water boys/girls, and we also set up the locker rooms for the opposing teams. For every varsity game two of the guy managers have to wipe the floor. The wiping part of the job is probably one of my favorites because of the fact I get to run on the Smith Center floor. Yes, I am wiping up sweat, but in a way it’s a dream come true for me. I will never have the opportunity to put on a jersey as a Tar Heel basketball player, but that was never my purpose. I guess my dream as a seven year old was a little too much to ask; however, I love every second of my job

It’s crazy what a difference a year can make. This year I wasn’t polishing up the banana suit, but I was suit shopping. One of the requirements to be a manager is to dress up for the games in a suit and tie. This is another aspect of the job that I am completely fond of. Who doesn’t like looking “fresh?” Even though I did love slipping on the banana suit; the blue and yellow tie feels much more comfortable and most definitely more fashionable.

I have been working with the team for a few months now, which has made time pass by much more quickly. This past semester was a bit harder than I had expected, but I survived! I also finished the business application process and will find out in a few weeks if I have been accepted or not. Just thinking about January 15, 2014 makes me nervous, but I must have faith. God has delivered more in this year than I ever could’ve imagined, and I must continue to believe.

Where ever you are in your walk/journey keep dreaming and keep pushing your limits. I still find it hard to believe how my role has changed. I was on a College GameDay commercial, but now I make the ways to the tv screen by me darting across the floor to wipe a slick spot.

I do remember observing some of the managers last year wishing I could be in their shoes.

So, I dreamed, I believed, and I became. It all started with a dream.

And don’t forget, just because I am sporting a new suit this year doesn’t mean my Carolina fandom has gone away. I’m just a bit more modest in the way I show my spirit!




  1. As always you inspire me! Love ya!

  2. Nice! At some point you need to think about what the total book is going to be and which audience you want to reach! Putting the 15th on my calendar now to begin praying for you.
