Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Chapel Hill Take 2:

From a different eye

August 21, 2013


As my eventful summer came to a halt, it was finally time for me to return to Chapel Hill for the second time.

The feeling was much different than I had expected. I no longer had that freshman fever or high as I liked to put it. I no longer was worried about making friends because I had already built strong friendships. The classes weren’t going to be any different, other than content, so that factor wasn’t there. However, this semester determines if I check off one of my goals, being accepted into the Kenan-Flagler Business School. I’m also living in an awesome “Super Suite” on a different side of campus. In short, your third semester, will feel much different in more ways than you know.

Even though you might feel a little different as I do, you made a commitment to yourself at the beginning of your college career. You were going to become a new person or in my case, I have big goals. So, dig deep and live like you did as a freshman. No, don’t carry a map around campus, but keep chasing all the opportunities. Keep pushing the limit.

After I quit the position as a football manager I knew that I couldn’t just be content with being an ambassador. I wanted to find something else to do. So I began searching jobs on the University website. I began to search for anything that might spark an interest. Luckily, I found a position with the General Alumni Association as a marketing intern. I emailed the administrator for the position and have lined up an interview for later this week. It’s the little things that gets you to where you want to be, apply for anything and everything!  

Since I am applying to business school and the GLOBE program, which is an 18-month study abroad program, I have decided only to take 12 hours. By only taking a small number of hours it will allow me to make the best possible grades in my classes. I am also motivated by the view I am fortunate to see every morning when I walk out of my suite. The Dean Dome and the Kenan-Flagler Business School greet me every morning as I walk to class. My childhood dream and my future are just sitting there looking at me. The view is quite breathtaking, unless however you are an “ABC” fan. (Anybody but Carolina)

When you become a sophomore you notice things that you never noticed before. The most interesting thing thus far is listening to the dreams of freshman, and actually getting to know them. Because I was there just a year ago, and even though I am no longer a freshman, I am still living life as a freshman. I’m excited about new things, anxious for my business application interview, and stoked to throw on that blue paint again at the football games.

My mom told me this freshman year, “beginnings are scary, endings are sad, but what happens in the middle matters the most.” Just reading that quote makes me smile every time. The middle, the time that is most challenging, will be the most rewarding. Here’s to sophomore year!

Just in case you need some more inspiration:

1.      Don’t forget to shake the professors hand and introduce yourself

2.      Buy used or online books if possible, the university charges too much

3.      Continue to meet people, people are great—elevator conversations are the best way

4.      Make a schedule every day, it makes a world of difference

5.      Pray often and don't worry, you'll make it. You only have 5 more first days

6.      Walk outside, take a breath, take it in, and be thankful for where you are. That'll give you the faith to get where you need to be.



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