Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Chapter 44

Chapter 44
Almost that “S” word
July-August 2015

“We’re going to be seniors,” I told my friend, as goosebumps covered my body. I said it again and again. Eventually he stopped me, and assured me that he understood, and he didn’t want to be reminded again.

When I began writing this book three years ago it began as a reflective tool for me as I experienced college. As I have matured I have found writing to be a great way to assist, motivate, and inspire future college students. I hope that each chapter has been engaging and encouraging, as I have felt led to share my stories with someone I haven’t ever met.

During an interview the other day I was asked if I had seen a change in myself from freshman year to now (almost a senior). I wasn’t sure how to answer the question because it was something that I had never thought about. Throughout my college career, I have always been on the go, dabbling in so many things, and not really paying much attention to how much the college experience has benefited my life.

Looking back- I hadn’t traveled at all, heck I didn’t have a passport, I really didn’t understand how a business worked, I had the mindset of a small town kid, and had no idea of what a global market looked like. Change is a big word, but I would say that my perspective has been broadened, I have learned so many different things, be it in the classroom and beyond, and I have built an extensive network.

I’m finding it difficult to wrap up one of the most exciting years of my life (junior year). However, today as I was at the lake with one of my childhood friends I was reminded that there’s still a lot to learn in this life.

My friend and his dad were Wake Surfing (a mix between surfing and wake boarding- you ride the wake that the boat makes), and after they finished they asked if I wanted to give it a try. I haven’t shared this, but I am not talented at any sport that involves balancing- skateboarding, rollerblading, skiing, wakeboarding, etc. But, I figured why not give this a try- I might be good at this…..

After what seemed like 100 tries later, I still hadn’t successfully pulled myself out of the water. I must have had the most discouraged look on my face because my friend’s dad looked at me and said something that I needed to hear for so many reasons. “Relax, relax. You can’t do it on your own, let the boat do the work. You’re trying to do it all on your own.” He didn’t know it, but that was the advice I needed in the water, as well as out of it. 100 more tries later it seemed, I still didn’t successfully land the board in the wake, but hey, there’s always another day and another lake.

Looking back to my senior year in high school, the feeling of being a senior was much different than it is now. I couldn’t wait for the year to be over, so I could start fresh in a college somewhere. However, when the year ended and the dust settled, I realized how blessed I was to be at that place in my life.

Now, as my senior year of college is days away from beginning, I’m anxious, scared, and motivated to make this the best year of college. I have so much still to learn, so much left to do, and so many more times to show off my school pride.

A few goals for my senior year:
1.       Become a better listener
2.       Be patient
3.       Get way too excited- “freshmanesque”
4.       Launch a full operating business (create my own job)
5.       Publish this book J

Quick update on my startup- Waterless Buddy’s
-          We we’re featured on a local news channel (ABC 11) & USA Today College
-          We we’re accepted into Launch Chapel Hill (accelerator on campus)
-          We partnered with a local Chick-Fil-A for another test market
-          People are super excited about us- gaining interest from FL, CA, and beyond